Laughlin One Day Chord Piano Seminar Method, Piano Fun, New School of American Music, piano lessons

Why Become a Seminar Leader?

Belong to a First Rate Organization
Money vs. Lifestyle
Tax Advantages
Satisfying a Demand
Student Satisfaction

Why would you want to become a seminar leader in the first place? It’s not for everyone. In fact, it takes a unique combination of talent and drive to succeed in this niche. If you think you might be a fit, here are some thoughts to consider before you make a commitment.

Belong to a First Rate Organization
We have been in business since early 1983 and are proud to have first rate relationships with our workshop leaders, our workshop sponsors, and our students. We strive hard to give the very best possible service to all involved and have ethical standards that are second to none. We can only maintain that high standard if everyone in our organization shares the same basic philosophy of high quality and high ethical standards. If that’s you too, then we heartily welcome you to join us.

Money vs. Lifestyle
When I was in college my parents strongly discouraged me from majoring in music. Why? Because they knew full well that music isn’t a good career choice for building wealth. They should know. They were in show business.

And that’s the trade-off that so many musicians are forced to make. Either work a job that you don’t particularly like to do because of the wages, the security, the benefits...or be a musician and make $40 a night (that figured hasn’t changed in 20 years).
What if you had a career that offered you a great income and opportunities for growth WITHIN the music industry? That’s what I’m offering you, if you qualify.
If you are interested in applying your talents as a musician to a career that keeps feeding you opportunities, then look no further. Your ultimate success depends on you, of course. But if you have the elements (what it takes), then we will provide you with the blueprint for your success. And since our success will depend on your success, you can count on us to take a personal interest in your development.

You have heard the phrase “money isn’t everything?” That’s true about money. It isn’t everything. But lack of money isn’t so hot either. Trust me. I’ve done it both ways.
As a seminar leader, you are an independent being with the potential to earn a great income, measured in dollars per seminar hour worked, and at the same time you can still keep your present job or career if you like.
Another reason I think you’ll love our program is we’ll let you work as little or as much as you want to. And you can travel as little or as much or as far as you want to. You can shape your career around your personal needs.
You want to be around when your kids are growing up? You can do it. Do you thrive on productivity? You can be as productive as you want.
As an independent, you call the shots. We listen.

Tax Advantages
Over the past 20 years I’ve seen almost all the tax loopholes close, one by one. All except for one. And that’s the incredible tax advantages you get from owning your own business.

I think people are pretty jealous of me when they learn that I travel to Hawaii regularly to give workshops. Their first response always is “do you get to deduct the expenses on your taxes?” Well, the truth is, not only are my traveling expenses fully deductible, but more important to me, I ACTUALLY MAKE A PROFIT each time I go.

But remember. I’m a piano teacher, not an accountant. So I’m not ever going to give you tax advice. That’s for the tax pros. But do the research. Talk it over with an expert. Think of all the creative ways you may be able to make purchases and have your business pay for it--all tax deductible.

This one is often overlooked. Fun and work? Fun and career? Fun and income? I believe life should be mostly fun. And I also believe you can bring fun into almost all aspects of your life. This includes career. So if your career is not providing you a certain amount of fun on a daily basis, I urge you to explore alternatives. Because once this life is over, there’s no proof that you’re ever going to get another one.
Make this one count. It doesn’t have to be as a piano workshop presenter. There are countless ways to combine your fun with your daily bread. But if that isn’t happening for you right now, please promise yourself that you’ll explore some of the reasons why.

Satisfying a Demand
I’ve been presenting piano seminars since 1982, and have taught in several locations continuously for over 20 years. I can tell you honestly the demand for piano information is still as strong as it was when I started. In some locations it’s even stronger. I still can draw over 100 students a day in some locations. Others have had to institute waiting lists for students.

The desire to learn music (especially piano) is as strong as ever. And now that baby boomers are starting to reach our primary age demographic, I expect the demand to explode. My current seminar leaders and I will not be able to keep up with the demand. You can be on the ground floor of this phenomenon quickly and with very little to no risk.

Student Satisfaction
A truly great teacher cares about students. They measure their own success by how well the students learn and by their satisfaction rate.

Our workshops are carefully evaluated by some of the most demanding people anywhere. And we consistently come up at the top percentile in written evaluations. I have thousands of these evaluations in my files.

But of greater gratification to me is having students come up to me and my wife after a workshop to thank us for giving them this gift of music they’ve been searching for all their lives. Some of them literally have tears in their eyes.
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of so many people? And get the recognition for it?

You like what you’ve heard so far? Good. Now let’s see if you have what it takes for this program.

Click here to find out.

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